
First TD Job in Production

Hello everyone. I started at Toneplus Animation Studios a month ago. Toneplus is a growing international production team in Tokyo.
Toneplus Animation Studios

This is my first production job--my proverbial "foot-in-the-door". Needless to say, I am very excited. It's hard work, but I don't hate it. That should be a good sign.

My primary assignments are researching and developing solutions for technical issues that come up in the CG/VFX projects we do--not very descriptive, I know. I also use the Japanese skills I picked up at my last job to help this multi-national team communicate with our Japanese colleagues and clients.

I will be posting notes about my R&D activities, mostly for my own memory. It can be a little dry as I won't be able to put down any concrete details of ongoing productions or anything covered by NDA. However I hope someone else besides me will find these trivial posts useful.
